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Thursday, September 25, 2014

By Jasmine Roziers

Queensland police in Brisbane, Australia are investigating a crime of vandalism. The vandals defaced an Islamic prayer center around Tuesday or Wednesday. The police have framed the time of the crime around 8:30 am- 3:30 pm. The vandals spray painted degrading words in white colored spray paint. The words read something along to lines of Muslims needing to "die" and they need to go back "to their own country." According to Brisbane Times, Detective Rob Graham of the Queensland police department says, "There [were] a number of pieces of evidence ... located in the near vicinity. Fingerprints and touch DNA are certainly going to shed some light and also this is a place where there is a high volume of CCTV activity and we're very optimistic we'll be able to determine who committed this offence [sic] in the near future." This is not the first time Australia has had problems with racism and islamophobia. Police report that this is the second time this has occurred in the same city in less than a week, a mosque in Queensland was also vandalized last Friday.