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Monday, September 29, 2014

By Monica Vandiver

What is a Jilbab?

Jilbab: a garment, a dress. Usually that type of attire which conceals the shape of a person’s body. ‘Jilbab’ is usually worn by woman that adheres to the advice Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) gave his blessed family regarding its necessity. From the ayah of the Quran we learn that women are to uphold the jilbab as a religious injunction. It also helps to ward of the stares of strangers as the shape of a dignified person.
There's no reason why faith and respect cannot be fashionable. With this jilbab, neutral-colored pant and classic belt, this is a classy outfit for a day out or for a day in the office.  This is a perfect template for any body size or shape that looks classy and sophisticated while dressing respectfully.