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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

By Jasmine Roziers

When fall turns into winter, cold and flu season begins to ravage through schools and workplaces. This eventually leads to those sicknesses entering the household. Here are some tips to stay healthy in one of the sickest times of the year.

1. Wash hands thoroughly after doing things such as using the restroom, cooking, and shaking hands.

2. If you have to cough or sneeze, do it into the collar and not into your hand. 

3. Exercising regularly can reduce chances of catching a colds. 

4.Vitamin C is essentially, whether it is a capsule or in orange juice, it is still going to help fight germs.

5. Lysol and Clorox wipes go hand in hand when sanitizing surfaces that are commonly touched. Some examples are kitchen counters, door knobs, bathrooms and phones.

6. A diet can make a difference in preventing colds and the flu. Tea and soups will help fight off germs and make you feel good.

7. To prevent the flu, see your doctor or a local pharmacy to get a flu shot. According to the CDC, "One study showed that flu vaccination was associated with a 71% reduction in flu-related hospitalizations among adults of all ages and a 77% reduction among adults 50 years of age and older during the 2011-2012 flu season."
These are seven tips that can save time and money, because no one can afford to be sick.