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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

By Jasmine Roziers
The western culture often adapts other cultures for their own, due to the “melting pot” culture that America has to offer. Americans on popular social media sites, such as Tumblr and Instagram can be seen wear Bindis, head chains and Henna. Can these influences be more harmful than helpful to the culture? When stars like Selena Gomez wore bindis in her hit single, “Come and Get it” is it truly for the appreciation of the culture or appropriation? According to Huffington Post, 
“The bindi on the forehead is an ancient tradition in Hinduism and has religious significance. It is also sometimes referred to as the third eye and the flame, and it is an auspicious religious and spiritual symbol… It is not meant to be thrown around loosely for seductive effects or as a fashion accessory aiming at mercantile greed.”
The article proves that maybe that it is hard, if not impossible, to truly “appreciation” another culture, especially for fame and profit.

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